Local ideas, local skills, local solutions

Website Launched!

Welcome to the new website for the ‘Big Local DY10’ Project. The Big Local is a ground breaking, long term programme that will achieve a lasting positive change in our area. It’s about transforming local areas by dealing with real issues – the things that matter to local residents. What’s more local residents will be in the driving seat, making the decisions that matter.

Our area is one of 150 similar areas across the country that will each receive at least £1Million over the next 10 years. The money comes from the Big Lottery Fund and will be managed by the Local Trust. This is the second part of the project in this area – to find out what we did in round 1 click here.

The £1Million will be used in a variety of creative and new ways to bring about lasting change, all of which will make our area an even better place to live now and in the future.

We need more people to step forward and get involved – Someone will decide how £1million could change our area – could it be you?

To find out how you can get involved click here