Local ideas, local skills, local solutions

New Community Sunday Lunch Club helps steer how £1m Big Lottery funding could be spent!

Elderly residents from the Broadwaters community got more than just a hearty meal and good company at their new Sunday Lunch Club held at St Oswald’s Primary School on March 17th courtesy of the Broadwaters Residents Action Group (BRAG). They also had the opportunity to put forward their views and ideas on how their community will benefit from the investment of at least £1million of Big Lottery money which has been allocated to the area.

This initial lunch was run by volunteers and funded by the BIG Local DY10 project to raise awareness of this innovative resident led project that will direct the investment of at least £1million in the area to make it a better place to live. At the Lunch Club residents could find out how they can get involved and were able to give their opinions on how they think the money could be used to make a positive and lasting difference to the area. BRAG intends to build on this success and make the Community Lunch a regular monthly event.

BRAG Chair, Mrs Sarah Rook said, ‘We welcome the opportunity to give our community the chance to have a say in how the £1million is used along with providing a much needed service to those residents who are elderly and, or alone and offer them a meal and company in a friendly environment. We are delighted with the turnout today and expect the numbers to increase quickly as word spreads.’ She added, ‘We propose to eventually be offering the lunch to between 40 and 50 people. We won’t exclude those elderly local residents who have children in their care, the Community Sunday Lunch will be offered to the whole family in those cases.’

The next Sunday Lunch is on Sunday 21st April, 12.30 p.m. At St Oswald’s Primary School. Places must be booked in advance with the payment of just £1 to secure your seat. Additional voluntary contributions may be made on the day. For further information please call Sarah Rook on 01562 720135 or visit: www.broadwatersresidentactiongroup.weebly.com