Local ideas, local skills, local solutions

Easy Access to Local Information

Big Local DY10 Grant enables valuable Community Directory to go live.

Back in November, Big Local DY10 held the Big Engagement Breakfast, to open a dialogue with local agencies, community groups and service providers to explore how to better engage with vulnerable families in the Big Local DY10 area. One of the outcomes was a call for a Directory of available services/clubs/organisations that  could be accessed by both service providers and service users.  Big Local circulated a questionnaire in an attempt to pull this together with limited success.

However, it came to light that a very comprehensive Directory had recently existed, hosted by the Wyre Forest Citizens Advice Bureau. On review, it was exactly what was required containing over 400 organisations listed in the searchable database. Unfortunately money to host and maintain the website had run out.

Big Local DY10 awarded a £2000 grant to enable WFCAB  to re-activate the web site and provide support.

Big Local DY10 are delighted to announce that the Community Directory website is now live and funded for the next three years!

Please visit http://wyreforestcommunitydirectory.org.uk/

This is a really valuable and much needed resource for the residents and service providers of Wyre Forest. Let’s make use of it!