Local ideas, local skills, local solutions

BigLocal DY10 Looking Forward to an Exciting Spring

With their Community Plan submitted to the Local Trust for approval, you might be forgiven for thinking that the BigLocal DY10 Partnership, made up of local residents and business owners, are putting their feet up. No such luxury! Feverish preparations are going on behind the scenes for when the Plan gains that approval and the £1million investment becomes available, in instalments over the next 10 years. Once approval of the Plan is received, the Partnership are planning a series of local resident meetings to launch it in the community.

The submitted Plan draws on the information in our BigLocal DY10 Profile which is available to download below. The Profile really highlights the diversity and richness of the 3 neighbourhoods – Horsefair, Broadwaters and Greenhill. Did you know there are nearly 7,000 people living in the area, in some 3,000 homes and the thing they like most about the areas is . . . their Parks. The Profile makes fascinating reading – actually most of it is explained through graphics so there is not much reading! Take a look and gain an appreciation of our locality.